Monday, September 28, 2009

Two Blogs? Mah?

In case you don't know, I am also posting periodically on a blog for the St. Louis Federation along with Andi, the other STL participant on OTZMA. The site can be found at, and while I'll usually post here more in depth, you can find other info on that site as well. For example, I just posted a short (for me) post on our Yom Kippur in Jerusalem that we just returned from. Posting on the blog is the least I can do for the Fed, seeing as they have been remarkably supportive of both me and Andi throughout this experience. Talking to other people on the trip has made me realize how lucky we are to have a Federation behind us that is making a strong effort to keep in touch, let us know they are there for us, and are there to help us with whatever we need. OK, enough sucking up for now...

Anyway, it's been a long few days and I have no Internet (I'm stealing from others on the group - shh!), so Part II of Meet the Hirsch's will have to wait. Trust me - it's a good one! It involves being surrounded by a family that doesn't speak English, being fed to the point that I wondered if my life was at stake, and if you're lucky, a tank. But until then, l'hitraot!

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