Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Wheel of Fire!

As usual, I seem to be neglecting my blogging duties. It's been a hectic couple weeks here, but I'll get the rest of the Croatia blog up in the very near future. Anyway...
So this weekend, Allie and I headed out to a town just outside of Tel Aviv called Rishon LeTzion for the holiday of Lag B'Omer. I'd tell you what it's about, but I still have yet to find someone who actually knows. What I do know is that we celebrate by making bonfires on the night of the chag, or as our friend referred to it, we destroy the environment. We were invited to this particular bonfire by one of our good Israeli friends, Moran, and we had a great time. Imagine a giant parking lot with about 20 fires going in all different spots - that's where we were. Anyway, towards the end of the night, Moran's boyfriend Inoy asked us, "Want to see a magic trick?" He then took a piece of steel wool, tied some sort of stick/rope/string/something to it, lit it on fire, and did... this.

Cool stuff, huh? You don't get a full sense of it, but the sparks were flying everywhere in a pretty huge circle - large enough that everyone around us saw it and cheered him on. I may not know what Lag B'Omer is about, but any holiday that involves a spinning wheel of fire is good in my book.

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