Monday, August 30, 2010

The Next Chapter

Well, here we are.

Exactly one year ago today, I launched Show Me the Shawarma in an effort to lead those who cared to follow me through my 10-month journey in the land of Israel, and while I may have slacked off (a lot), I truly hope that I was able to show you all at least a little of my experiences. I’m not going to try to sum up my year – it’s really pointless to even try, and in any case, I already did so here. No, as the title of this post reflects, this post is all about the future.

On September 2nd, 2009, I arrived in Israel with no idea of what the year ahead would hold. On September 2nd, 2010, I will arrive in Washington, D.C., with even less idea of what adventures this year will hold. The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity, from frantically searching for a place to live to seemingly endless days of shopping for an entire new professional wardrobe. I have no doubt that the weeks ahead will be even more chaotic, as I adjust to my new life in our nation’s capital in the internship of a lifetime. (Sidebar: You don’t get to know where on this blog. Sorry. Them’s the breaks.) As hectic and stressful as the months ahead may be, I am looking forward to them brimming with confidence and excitement, as I begin the pursuit of a career in politics that I only hinted at a year ago on these pages.

In terms of this blog – I don’t have any idea if it’s going to continue or not. Part of me feels that I need to give it closure, that I have too many stories that I never told. Part of me wants to end this here, possibly starting a new blog. I don’t know what I would write about, be it sports or my life in a new city, but I do feel like it is important for me to keep my writing fresh. There’s even a strong possibility that I will join with two of my close friends from this past year to start a joint blogging effort. As soon as I decide to do something, you’ll know.

When I graduated from Mizzou a year and a half ago, there was no way I could have seen my life heading in this direction. However, I have to think that this is the way it should be. I still hear friends all the time talk about how scary it is to be out of college, how they wish they could have never left. Me? I think that’s crazy talk, for two reasons. The first has me recalling one of my best friends musing on the idea that college is supposed to be the “best four years of our lives”. As he would tell you, why would you want that to be the case? I’m 23 years old, and my life has peaked? It’s all downhill from here? No, no, no, no, no. The very idea of that is ridiculous. I don’t know when my life is going to “peak”, but I sure hope it hasn’t already. I truly and honestly believe that as great as the past few years have been, the best years of my life lie ahead of me.

As for the other reason, I would call attention to the quote that my friends can find on my Facebook profile. It comes from the final few minutes of one of my favorite TV shows, Scrubs.

“As for the future, it doesn’t seem so scary anymore. It can be whatever I want it to be.”

My life, more than at any point in the past 23 years, is an open book. It can go in any number of directions right now, and while that probably should frighten me, it doesn’t. The idea that I truly hold my future in my own hands is oddly uplifting and exciting to me. I’m starting a completely new chapter tomorrow – who knows what the next one could be?

1 comment:

  1. Yeah i agree with you enjoy your life to the fullest as if this the last day of your life. Thats one of my favorite motto.
